Week 08

Students spent Week 08 working on testing the technologies for the flash mob, and culminated in a pilot test of the project on the green, with 50 students working together to approximate a torch shape directly in front of Landis Hall.

Team Video worked on identifying all the different shots they would need for the class video, and continued to assess our options for filming the flash mob from above. Team Storytelling identified the innovators at FSU who will be featured in the video, and finalized the storyboarding for the project. Team Outreach worked on their plans for advertising the project. And Team Engineering finalized the design for the 3D-printed torch, and tested different materials for use when laying out the torch on the green.

Actually conducting a mini-flash mob on the green, where students in the class brought their friends, and other students passing by were invited to participate, gave us the chance not only to test camera angles and the use of poster boards for visuals, but also allowed the students to figure out how they’ll indicate where everyone needs to stand, and how to best layout the shape of the torch on the green. The exercise helped demonstrate what worked well, and gave the students a clear path forward as they headed into the final week before Spring Break.